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JAAE Center


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Jordanian Academic

Best Special need Education center

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Nursery Program

Best Nursery Education

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Jordanian Academic

Best Junior KG Education

Our Offerings

Our multi-level JAAE programs cater to the age group of 2-10 years
with a curriculum focussing children with speacial need

Ravin IQ test

offering free IQ test for all our student from age 5-10 years

Special Need Training

Our special rhyme books also them to phonetic sound of the words that cater to all development.

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One to One session

Being brave isn’t always a grand gesture sometimes it just means having a go attempting that difficult question, offering an answer in a lesson when you’re simply really trying new.


Years of experience


Students each year


Award Wining
  • We believe every child is intelligent so we care.
  • Teachers make a difference of your child.

Our Best Teachers

With the help of teachers and the environment as the third teacher, students
have opportunities to confidently take risks.

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Join Our New Session

Kindedo believes that good questions drive good answers. Whether it's a query
about the world around us or a challenge.

عن الأكاديمية

تتميز المدرسة الخاصة للطلاب ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة بتوفير بيئة تعليمية مهيأة تلبي احتياجاتهم الفردية. يعمل طاقم تعليمي متخصص على تقديم دعم شامل يعزز من قدرات الطلاب ويطور مهاراتهم. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تركز المدرسة على تحقيق التوازن بين الجانب الأكاديمي والاجتماعي، مما يساهم في تعزيز الثقة بالنفس وتمكين الطلاب من تحقيق إمكانياتهم الكاملة